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English: all the way (slang), big O (slang), orgasm.
If you have additional words, please contact and label your message ORGASM WORDS.
3 point shot (slang)
a night in with the girls (slang)
airing the orchid (slang)
applying lip gloss (slang)
applying nail polish remover (slang)
auditioning the finger puppets (slang)
automatic pilot (slang)
banging the box (slang)
bashing the gash (slang)
basting the tuna (slang)
basting my turkey (slang)
bathing the kitty (slang)
beating around the bush (slang)
beating the beaver (slang)
blissing myself (slang)
brushing the beaver (slang)
brushing my afro (slang)
buffing the bead (slang)
buffing the weasel (slang)
burying my knuckle (slang)
butterin the muffin (slang)
buttering my bagel (slang)
buzzing off (slang, when using a vibrator)
carpet bumping (slang)
cat got tongue (slang)
checking for depth (slang)
checking for squirrels (slang)
checking for the jackpot (slang)
checking my oil (slang)
checking the foxhole (slang)
checking the muffler (slang)
checking the oil (slang)
checking the pulse (slang)
checking the status of the I/O port (slang)
checking the undercarriage (slang)
circling the knoll (slang)
clam bake for one (slang)
cleaning between the camels toes (slang)
cleaning my fur coat (slang)
cleaning the kitchen (slang)
cleaning my fingers (slang)
Clit-o-Rama (slang)
clitters (slang)
coaxing the genie out of the magic lamp (slang)
coaxing the turtle out of her shell (slang)
comforting myself (slang)
coming into my own (slang)
copping a clam (slang)
creamin (slang)
creamin the pie (slang)
creaming myself (slang)
cumming into my own (slang)
cunt cuddling (slang)
cunt rubbing (slang)
defrosting the freezer (slang)
dating my palm (slang)
dialing O (slang)
dialing the rotary phone (slang)
diggin the stench trench (slang)
digging a trench (slang)
digging for gold (slang)
digging for my keys (slang)
digging in (slang)
digging the cream (slang)
digitizing (slang)
dipping (slang)
dipping for ice cream (slang)
diving for pearls (slang)
diving for pennies (slang)
doing a Meg Ryan (slang, reference to the movie Harry met Sally)
doing my nails (slang)
doing myself (slang)
doing myself with a dildo (slang)
doing myself with a rabbit (slang)
doing myself with a toy (slang)
doing myself with a vibrator (slang)
doing something for my chapped lips (slang)
doing the sweet slide (slang)
doing the two-finger slot rumba (slang)
doing the two-finger ballet (slang)
doing the two-finger salute (slang)
doing my nails (slang)
doodling the noodle (slang)
double knuckling (slang)
double-clicking my mouse (slang)
dousing the digits (slang)
draining my tuna (slang)
drilling for fish (slang)
drilling for oil (slang)
drinking from the fountain of youth (slang for performing self-cunnilingus)
drinking from the furry cup (slang)
Driving Ms. Daisy (slang)
dunking my doughnut (slang)
dusting the endtable (slang)
engaging in safe sex (slang)
entering the forest (slang)
entering the ring of fire (slang)
erasing the problem (slang)
excavating the Tunnel of Love (slang)
exploring the bush (slang)
fanning the fur (slang)
feeding the bearded clam (slang)
feeding the cat (slang)
feeding my kitty (slang)
feeding the pony (slang)
feeding my slot (slang)
feeling my funnel (slang)
fiddling the bean (slang)
filling the pink taco (slang)
filling my niche (slang)
finding myself (slang)
finger bang (slang)
finger blasting (slang)
finger dancing (slang)
finger dipping (slang)
finger fucking (slang)
finger pie (slang)
finger-pole the hole (slang)
fingerbating (slang)
fingering (slang)
fingering myself (slang)
fingering something out (slang)
fingerpainting (slang)
finishing the job (slang)
fishing (slang)
fishing for cumpliments (slang)
fishing for mackerel (slang)
flash flood (slang)
flickin the bean (slang)
flipping the light switch repeatedly (slang)
flicking the switch (slang)
flicking the tic tac (slang)
flitting my clit (slang)
flossing the cat (slang)
fluffing the kitty (slang)
fluffing the muff (slang)
frigging (slang)
fucking myself with a dildo (slang)
fucking myself with a rabbit (slang)
fucking myself with a toy (slang)
fucking myself with a vibrator (slang)
fucking without complications (slang)
furry fun (slang)
gagging my meat hole (slang)
gagging the clam (slang)
gagging the lips of love (slang)
genital manipulation (slang)
genital stimulation via phalangetic motion (slang)
getting a date with slick mittens (slang)
getting a lube job (slang)
getting a stain out of my carpet (slang)
getting a stinky pinky (slang)
getting mud for my turtle (slang)
getting the last pickle out of the jar (slang)
getting the little man in the boat to go fishing (slang)
getting to know Sticky Fingers the mobster (slang)
getting to know myself (slang)
gilding the lily (slang)
getting off (slang)
giving myself one (slang)
going around the corner (slang)
going deep sea diving (slang)
going fishing (slang)
going mining (slang)
going solo (slang)
going to and from the Batcave (slang)
greasing my hips (slang)
gristle rub (slang)
groping the grotto (slang)
gusset typing (slang)
hand jiving (slang)
hand sex (slang)
hand tossing the tuna salad (slang)
harpooning my tang (slang)
having a date with Martin Five-Fingers (slang)
having a free ride (slang)
having a manually assisted fantasy (slang)
having ladyfingers and cream (slang)
having sex with someone you love (slang)
Hee-Haw with wrinkled Mee-Maw (slang)
hitchhiking South (slang)
hitchhiking to heaven (slang)
hitchhiking under the Big Top (slang)
hitting the slit (slang)
hitting the spot (slang)
honing the stone (slang)
hula-hooping (slang)
indoor fishing (slang)
indulging myself (slang)
itching the ditch (slang)
jabberwocking (slang)
Jennying off (slang)
jiggling my Jenny (slang)
Jilling (slang)
Jilling off (slang)
JocelynEldering (slang)
jostling the Elder (slang)
juicing it up (slang)
juicing Lucy (slang)
killing off (slang)
letting my fingers do the walking (slang)
levy break limbo (slang)
licking my lips (for us contortionists) (slang)
looking for Waldo & his dog (gee, spot, there you are!) (slang)
makin waves for the man-in-the-boat (slang)
making a mini Eiffel Tower (slang)
making kitty purr (slang)
making my lips swell (slang)
making soup (slang)
making the little man sing (slang)
making my own gravy (slang)
manual override (slang)
menage a moi (slang)
mistressbate (slang)
mistressbating (slang)
muffin buffin (slang)
nail polish remover (slang)
nulling the void (slang)
nursing a hatchet wound (slang)
opening the bottom drawer (slang)
paddling the finger canoe (slang)
paddling the pink canoe (slang)
pampering pussy (slang)
pampering the pussy (slang)
parting my meat curtain (slang)
parting the Red Sea (slang)
patting the panky (slang)
paying lip service (slang)
pearl fishing (slang)
peeling the peach (slang)
perusing the Yellow Pages (slang)
petting myself (slang)
petting Snoopy (slang)
petting the kitty (slang)
petting the little man in the canoe (slang)
petting the petunia (slang)
petting the pussy (slang)
petting the pussy cat (slang)
petting my bunny (slang)
petting my kitty (slang)
playing couch hockey for one (slang)
playing on the cricket green (slang)
playing poker (slang)
playing solitaire (slang)
playing the banjo (slang)
playing the beaver (slang)
playing the box (slang)
playing the clitar (slang)
playing the hairy guitar (slang)
playing the little Dutch boy (slang)
playing the silent trombone (slang)
playing the slots (slang)
playing with myself (slang)
playing with the man in the boat (slang)
playing with my pineapple (slang)
pleasuring myself (slang)
pluggin the leak (slang)
plunging the drain (slang)
plunging the happy hole (slang)
pokin the pucker (slang)
poking the pudding (slang)
polishing the nugget (slang)
polishing the peanut (slang)
polishing the pearl (slang)
polishing the wedding ring (slang)
preheating the oven (slang)
priming the pump (slang)
producing whore moans (slang)
pushing the button (slang)
pussy poking (slang)
pussy soccer (slang)
putting out the fire (slang)
putting the dot in .org (slang)
reading braille (slang)
reading the map of Tazmania (slang)
relieving myself (slang)
ride the glide until the tide (slang)
riding the bed post (slang)
riding the cotton pony (slang)
riding the unicycle (slang)
riding the waterslide (slang)
riding my own mule down Grand Canyon (slang)
ringing my bell (slang)
rocking the boat (slang)
rollin the ol bean (slang)
rolling the dough (slang)
rolling the marble (slang)
romancing thy own (slang)
Rubbin Hood (slang)
rubbin the nubbin (slang)
rubbing (slang)
rubbing myself down (slang)
rubbing myself up (slang)
rubbing the donut (slang)
rubbing the red pussycat (slang)
rubbing the stub (slang)
rub off (slang)
rustling my knickers (slang)
salting the beef curtains (slang)
scoring the hoop (slang)
scraping the cheese off the taco (slang)
scratching that old itch (slang)
scratching the patch (slang)
scratching where it itches (slang)
Searching for Ms. G (slang)
seasoning my fish (slang)
secret vice (slang)
seeing to myself (slang)
self love (slang)
self servicing (slang)
sending Muffin Morse Code (slang)
sexercising (slang)
sex for one (slang)
shaking hands with Mr. Paul (slang)
shaking the dew off the lily (slang)
shebopping (slang)
shining the diamond (slang)
shooting hoops (slang)
shooting the rapids (slang)
shucking the fresh water clam (slang)
shucking the oyster (slang)
slappin the crack (slang)
slapping slit (slang)
slapping Susie (slang)
slapping the flap (slang)
slapping the mackerel (slang)
slapping the meat curtain (slang)
slapping the skunk guts (slang)
slicing pie (slang)
sliding down the chute (slang)
sliding into home (slang)
slob the knob (slang)
snatching (slang)
soaking in Palmolive (slang)
soaking the whisker biscuit (slang)
softening the peach (slang)
Southern Comfort (slang)
spanking the spot (slang)
spanking my puppy on the nose (slang)
spearing the bearded clam (slang)
spelunking (slang)
spelunking in the hairy caves (slang)
spelunking in the mystery cave (slang)
splashing in the sea (slang)
splunking off (slang)
squeezing the peach (slang)
starting a bush fire (slang)
steaming the oyster (slang)
sticking my fingers into my own genitalia to the extent of an orgasm (slang)
stiffening my upper lip (slang)
stinky pinky (slang)
stirring it up (slang)
stirring the honey pot (slang)
stirring the pudding (slang)
stirring the sauce (slang)
stirring the soup (slang)
stoking the furnace (slang)
stroking the box (slang)
strumming (slang)
strumming the banjo (slang)
strumming the big open C (slang)
surfing the channel (slang)
surfing the Slippery Sea (slang)
surfing the web (slang)
sweeping the chimney (slang)
swimming in the crimson lake (slang)
swimming in the Pu-Tang River (slang)
swimming in the Red Sea (slang)
takin it to tuna town (slang)
taking a dip (slang)
taking a dip in the lake (slang)
taking advantage of myself (slang)
taking the German u-boat into port (slang)
tapping the tuna (slang)
teasing the kitty (slang)
teasing the little man in the canoe (slang)
teasing the tuna (slang)
teasing the tuna taco (slang)
tending my own garden (slang)
testing the plumbing (slang)
testing my waters (slang)
the disappearing finger trick (slang)
the girly gusher (slang)
the magical disappearing finger trick (slang)
the ole feel n squeal (slang)
the other monthly visitor (slang)
the two-fingered tango (slang)
the virgins release (slang)
thrapping (slang; from lesbians in the military who have competitions to see who can last longest, the word comes from the sound made by several ladies masturbating at the same time)
three point shot (slang)
tickling my fancy (slang)
tickling the kitty (slang)
tickling the pearl (slang)
tickling the taco (slang)
Tiptoe through the TwoLips (slang)
toggling the bit (slang)
tossing the pink salad (slang)
touching myself up (slang)
touching my tigeress (slang)
touching my tuna (slang)
touring Tasmania (slang, for a triangular shaped Australian island)
tracing the vertical smile (slang)
treating myself (slang)
trolling the Bermuda Triangle (slang)
twiddling my twat (slang)
twinkling the little star (slang)
twirlin the pearl (slang)
two-finger taco tango (slang)
two-finger typing (slang)
unclogging the drain (slang)
visiting the Magic Kingdom (slang)
visiting Niagra Falls (slang)
visiting with Father Thumb and his four sons (slang)
visiting my safety deposit box (slang)
wading in the Bermuda Triangle (slang)
walking Downtown (slang)
washing my hands (slang)
washing my fingers (slang)
waxing the canoe (slang)
waxing the milk duds (slang)
weaving the carpet (slang)
whipping my cream (slang)
whipping my nest (slang)
white knuckling (slang)
wiping the smile onto my face (slang)
working in the garden (slang)
working out at the Y (slang)
wrinkling fingers (slang)
If you have additional words, please contact and label your message FEMALE MASTURBATION WORDS.
Gay and Lesbian Marriages in California
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Last Updated: July 4, 2003
SPLIT FROM words.html: July 4, 2003
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